Thursday, May 22, 2008

The nature of "here"...

(a) I've been on this forum for a little while now, and it's been fun. Reading posts, getting to know new people in a very different sort of environment, learning a lot and firming up some of my own opinions. One of them just recently started blogging also, and her blog is personal and honest in a very inspiring way.

(b) I received an e-mail from one of you, my dear readers, who commented on the blog I posted here. The original post had to do with side effects of a recent drug on the market used to treat bipolar disorder, and my views on the cure being worse than the disease. Her (valid) feedback was that people with the disorder need to know those things before they take the drug, so they can know what to expect. I wrote her back to say that I meant no disrespect whatsoever to people who struggle with that sort of thing, especially as *I* have bipolar disorder as well.

This brings me to (a) + (b) = this blog. As much as I hope you will be entertained by some of my posts, and hope that some of them will cause you to think and/or question the world around us, some of these posts will be personal in nature. Very, very personal. If you know anything about me, I am unapologetically open and honest about things. If you ask me how I am doing, I will very rarely say 'fine'--I will actually tell you exactly how I really am doing. (This will make an interesting blog some day in the future.)

I try not to hurt anyone (which has occassionally gotten me into trouble), so I will always use aliases here if I need to tell a story that involves someone else. In fact, I time travelled into the past and posted a Cast list. If you want to see who I am talking about, check the April 2008 archive--everyone I reference by nickname in this blog will end up on that list. If your nick is on the list, and you would like me to hyperlink to your blog or profile, let me know and I will do so. Otherwise you will retain your anonymity for as long as it takes for someone to do the math. :o)

I have left the comments settings on the blog so that anyone can comment at any time on any post, and I welcome any and all sincere feedback. I only ask that you observe the same parameters that I do. I *will* remove your comment if I deem it is flameworthy or offensive. But knowing my readership, I don't expect that ever to be the case.

So, buckle your seat belts...'cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!


Anonymous said...

An' don' take sh*t from nobody!

Erica said...

Hey, it's *your* blog, so it's entirely appropriate for *your* opinions to be expressed. No one is being forced at gunpoint to read it (I trust). My friend Zib used to lose a whack of subscribers every time she posted something political; oh, well.

David said...

Thanks for the support, gang! Nice to know someone is reading this drivel. ;o)

I assume I'll be losing readers left and right (pun intended) if and when I get political here. I am not a party member, and find far more problems with the system as a whole. But whatev. I expect to lose readers out of sheer boredom long before I get to posting political stuff. ;o)