We had great seats, which was a huge plus. (Although some asshead kept standing up in the front row of our section, which prompted the asshead behind him to stand up and block the view of my friend, who is small and would not have profited from the same inconsiderate standing-up activity. But I digress.)
We were close enough that we could see the performers quite clearly--and Blender brought binos, which made it even more stunning. Just hearing Neil Peart on "Tom Sawyer", Alex Lifeson on "YYZ" and Geddy Lee on...well, everything...is one thing. You can tell with your ears how skilled, precise and immensely talented they are. But it was no less incredible to actually see them do it. More incredible, actually, because they all look so effortless in their play.
Here are some phone-pics (sorry they're not the best quality in the world):

Great seats, great company, great concert. Now if I can just get the marijuana smell out of my clothes and the secondary smoke out of my lungs....
You completely left out the two drunks!
Which two drunks? There were so many! Heh. Thanks again for wrangling tix and going with!
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