...are you still here? Because WALL-E may just be the best movie I have seen in a decade. It was heartwarming, but not in a sappy way. It was visually stunning, but not in a cartoony or over-CG way (I have issues with studios that don't dirty up their images a little to make it look less digital). It addressed meaningful issues without bludgeoning you over the head with them. (Remember Fern Gully? ::shudder::) It made you think, made you happy, made you sit on the edge of your seat.
And, to tell you the truth, I didn't even realize it until I read some "professional" critic's preview later tonight, but there are no spoken words for the first twenty minutes. That, ladies and gentlemen, is storytelling. If you can keep an audience's attention riveted using just visual means for that long without them even knowing it...well, my hat is off all the way to the folks over at Pixar.
It is scary to me to think what the movies will be like in the next decade, once the giant thumb of Disney makes its presence felt more, but perhaps they will leave well enough alone and we will continue to get gems like this one out of the big P and not regurgitated swill like Pocahontas. But this digression is for another time, place and blog.
I don't like to recommend movies much, because I think getting someone's hopes up is a surefire way to doom their movie watching experience. But this one is a must-see.
9 years ago
Yeah, but can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
WALL-E rocks the casbah.
I had to hold myself in my seat during the film because I wanted to rush the screen and hug it for its sheer wonderfulness. After the film, I thought of driving to Emeryville just to hunt down the creators and beg to be part of their world.
(I didn't intend the last part of that sentence to sound like a Disney song, it just happened.)
I love that both of you somehow got Disney tunes into your comments. To quote Whoopi Goldberg: "My wind doesn't have any colors--I checked."
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