Yikes. This week has been running over me. Sorry for the backlog of time-travel posts, but I had been saving the drafts intending to post them, and never got around to the second step of that equation. Hrmph.
Today's rant: I am going to echo Panda's post about horribibbly misleading drinks. She was recently made aware of some of the actual nutritional information of some of those things you might think are healthy (or know aren't healthy, but don't know exactly HOW bad). Some of them I already knew, but the "Unhealthiest Drink In America" was particularly disturbing.
I used to work for a coffee company as a store manager, and one of the things that always bugged me on a sub-cerebral level was the amount of calories I was putting into a cup. I started with a store in Novato, and one day as a goof we looked up the worst offender at the time (this was in '05). It was an Iced Venti White Chocolate Mocha made with breve (half and half instead of milk) and topped with whipped cream. Total calories? About 1100. We were grossed out.
Then, I transferred to a store in Petaluma, and wouldn't you know it? There was a woman who got one about 2-3 times a week. A disturbing thing I have noticed is that the very people who shouldn't be getting drinks like that are the very ones making the purchase. When I was tending bar, I could always tell someone who needed to stop drinking that I simply wasn't going to serve them any more. It was the whole, I-know-you-can-go-somewhere-else-for-your-fix-but-your-wellbeing-is-more-important-to-me-than-your-money thing. I couldn't do that at the coffee shop, and it always sort of bugged me.
Anyhoo. Go read the original article Panda was referencing here. It was in Men's Health magazine, and they have a great substitution list for some of the offenders, as well as another one for food.
Be well.
9 years ago
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