Give it a shot. Er...a 'go'.
David Yen is getting up before dawn tomorrow to go to the Morris Dance in Sebastopol. Welcome, dawn!
Bob at 6:38pm April 30
In this crazy town ( your old home town ) they're always dancing and shaking their tootsies over something...usually to celebrate the changing cycle of the inner child. All aboard Sufi dancers !! Need a wake-up call ?
David Yen danced the Abrams today.
Bob at 10:50am May 1
Ah, Jewish dancing !
Bob at 6:41pm May 1
Do you have to have "personal body lubricant' available when doing this dance ? Most activities in Sebastopol call for it...Some venues even check for it at the door !
[Me] at 12:18am May 2
hey! thanks for thinking of me, and for all the posts on my status, but can you let me be serious from time to time? i know you are just teasing, but still.... {:o\
Bob at 6:28am May 2
Take care little grasshopper. I will leave you alone. You are where I was 15-20 years ago in life. You too will be amused when you get alittle older and look back at what you now take so seriously. I, too, have my serious side but I keep it off the streets.
Much love. Seriously.
[Me] at 9:59am May 2
thank you, sir. i am quite amused quite frequently, actually--it is just hard to tell sometimes on this little phenomenon when one is being silly, and when one wants to share things that matter. it's hard to type wry sarcasm. ;o)
Bob at 6:43pm May 2
My dear David,
Here's a thought to ponder as the evening sky draws over us all : You have 351 friends listed on FB however you're the only one that wrote to me suggesting my teasing you was.shall we say,insensitive ? Moral...You ARE your best friend !
The interesting thing about FB is it's like a dance floor and most people are wallflowers content to read others correspondence. The dark side of FB, I've found,is it can serve as a dairy where you enter thoughts you really do NOT mean to share with anyone.
I try and write funny things, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes silly but ALWAYS with no intent to injure....
Your 'Friends' all adore you...I'm simply the one that says "The emperor has no clothes!"
David Yen wants to hear from his inked friends in Sonoma County: how was your experience, who was your artist? bonus points if you send a pic. (i don't know what the points are good for, actually--just looking for some feedback.) going to get some work done soon, and the market is *flooded* with artists....
FF1 at 9:20am April 28
I need to know too... I have been pondering the inky art for some time....
FF2 at 9:31am April 28
I got 'inked' in NYC, watch out it is addicting...I am working on my second!
FF3 at 9:42am April 28 via Facebook Mobile
I did mine at [shop] in Petaluma, but it's so small and simple anyone could do it. One of the supervisers in my office got a neat one that winds up her leg. Her artist was [name] in SR [phone number]
Denise at 9:58am April 28
(Heh, I got so excited I initially posted this as my status.) Here's a start: [link] Click photo for [name]. Then click tattoo images. Scroll next. You'll know it when you see it...
Denise at 10:15am April 28
There's more...just sent you an inbox message. Wee!
FF4 at 10:19am April 28
[same name as in FF3's comment] is actually a very talented artist! [FF4's boyfriend] and I get all of our work done by a good friend at [shop], [name]. You can see some of my tattoos in my pictures.
MF1 at 10:19am April 28
[name] at [shop] does the best work I have ever seen!
[full name, address, phone number]
Sadie at 11:23am April 28
Well, if you were in Michigan, I'd tell you to head ot [shop] or [shop]...but you're not. :) I want to see pics when you're done.
FF5 at 11:44am April 28
I had my first one done on the Bowery in NY -- so you should be fine:)
Blenderat 12:22pm April 28
forget the tats and get tires and registration for you bike!
Bob at 12:22pm April 28
David,David,David....What ARE you thinking ?
Sadie at 12:33pm April 28
[Blender]'s right...more cost effective to forget the tats and get your bike up to code than get nailed with a ticket later.
Bob at 1:59pm April 28
[Blender],[Sadie] & [Bob] are ALL on the same page....except I don't think you need a motorcycle either. Middle age crisis ?
FF6 at 2:58pm April 28
Just don't choose any of these:
the Ex at 3:08pm April 28
I'm thinking his middle age crisis is going to last two decades, [Bob]. He might as well enjoy it how he sees fit. : )
Bob at 4:30pm April 28
Uh oh ! A can of worms ! Time for this fellow to zip his lip and "exit stage right!"
the Ex at 6:11pm April 28
No worms, silly. An ages old joke.
Bob at 7:16pm April 28
I am silly, true ! No fool like an old fool, eh ?
Denise at 10:29am April 29
Well, David, I'm glad we could all stay on topic for ya. ;) Happy inking.
[Me] at 10:24am May 4
[FF3], denise, [FF4], [MF1]--thanks for the help. [FF6]--thanks for the laughs! i think i need a copy of that book...
1 a (1): an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable
2: a place of privacy or safety : refuge
3: a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director
1 : to bring together (as in a particular place or for a particular purpose)
2 : to fit together the parts of