Tuesday, May 12, 2009

On my way to work today...

...I was cut off on the freeway. This is a frustrating thing for me, because it only happens on the commute when I follow a "Safe Distance" behind the car in front of me. If I tailgate, I *never* get cut off. But if I back off to the three-second distance, some idiot always pulls in front of me. To add insult to injury, that same idiot inevitably widens the gap between his car and the car I was following to--you guessed it--Safe Following Distance. Argh.

Today's cutter-offer was different, however, in that I was cut off by the Crown Prince of Irony. The bumper sticker on the car that cut me off:

Mean People Suck

Yep. Then he merged to the right lane to gain more footage in the commuter traffic. Two miles later, he cut me off again. I wanted to pull him over and ask him (a) if he was a vampire, or (b) if I could get some sort of favor from him, but I decided against it.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Typical. ;) I'm happy you are safe after your cut-off travels, sweet driver. Can we do something about the people who continually pace me right in my blindspot? Argh!