Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Screw this! I'm going home...

Alright, I am not doing any more time travel. I looked at my blog page two nights ago, and realized the last entries are nothing more than signposts directing you, my dear faithful readers, to old news. I got to thinking that, if I keep posting backlog blogs ("backblogs"?) at this rate, I might get caught up in a couple weeks, but by then you will have fourteen entries of me linking up five of the past. What sense does that make? Nada mucho, Taquito. Besides, I am buried enough in life as it is. I am so overwhelmed, the last time I tried to post I sat and stared at the computer for a good five minutes, and nothing came out my fingers. Sad.

Some parents use "time outs" as a punishment for kids. For those of you who may not know what a "time out" is, it basically consists of sitting a kid down and forcing him to do nothing--or at least stop doing whatever it was the child was doing that the parent wanted stopped. In the old days, we were "sent to our rooms"--I think the time out is a modern version of sending children to their rooms, since modern families never seem to be home. Which might be why the kids are acting out. But I digress.

Anyhoo, lotsa--a colloquialism that equals unit of measure roughly two "bunches" in size--parents give time outs as punishment. ('Stop it, Bobby! You're in time out!') What they are really for, though, is to give the child a moment to sort out what s/he is doing, why it might be wrong, and cool down and get some perspective on life. Then they are able to (in theory) conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for the situation. The research I read recommended one minute in time out (when enforced) for each year of the child's life.

Which means I will be back in...about forty minutes.

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