Friday, July 3, 2009

Oh, the irony...

Denise shared this one with me. Every year for the last almost three decades, a local organization has "The World's Largest Salmon Barbecue" on July Fourth. What is ironic about that, you ask? The cookout is a fundraiser for the Salmon Restoration Association.

Now, granted, the SRA (Charlton Heston with a fishing pole?) has a hatchery, and the salmon undoubtedly are farmed. One hopes. But the irony of it all is quite amusing. I started riffing on the whole thing:

"then, in the winter, there will be a crab feed to benefit the crab restoration program."

"and we're having a logging festival to heighten awareness for the tree destruction league."

Ah, Sarcasm. You and Irony and I make quite the trio.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Tee hee. :)