Here is (some of) the Merriam-Webster definition of retreat:
1 a (1): an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable
2: a place of privacy or safety : refuge
3: a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director
Pretty accurate description, no? I had hoped to spend the weekend away somewhere, and had been cruising the internet and travel sites (Travelocity FTW!), but one of the things that has been weighing very heavily on me is my complete lack of finances. So, instead I ended up staying home the entire weekend and working on the house and the yard. I got some plants, and cleaned up all around. I didn't end up working on my goals, or my philosophy or strategy or personal whatever. But I did wind up feeling refreshed and at least a little more grounded.
"Retreat" is also a bugle call in the cavalry. Another bugle call is "Assemble". Here's the word from Merriam-Webster again:
1 : to bring together (as in a particular place or for a particular purpose)
2 : to fit together the parts of
Another good call. I feel ready to get ready now. I know that sounds ridiculous, but after a year and a half of running, it was good to catch my breath and look around at the terrain a bit.
Nearly 18 months. Somehow, I feel responsible and can't ignore the way that same time period coincides. Thank you for being so giving of yourself. I'm glad you found this precious time to do what is most important to you, and I hope you find that time again very soon to dig deeper as you wish. I love you.
gah! No, you shouldn't feel responsible. I didn't even see the coincidence until now. It is more about theater and work and life. As you always say, "I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to be doing it." Don't take it personally--my fault, not yours.
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