Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"You know that feeling you get, when you're leaning back in a chair, and you're just about to fall...

...but you don't? I feel that way all the time." (Steven Wright)

I know the last couple of posts have been rather heavy, and probably stirred things up for you, my dear readers, in your own bubbly pots. But I wanted to give a hearty thanks to each and every one of you for your comments and encouragement. In the last couple of days, I have received some wonderful words from Blender, Denise, and an incredible e-mail from my mom. (Yes, she reads this blog, so watch your language!) (Just kidding, she knows we're adults.) (Well, she knows you are an adult--she knows me better than that.)

Anyway, I have quite a bit more to say, but it can wait. It was more important to me to thank you for your blog comments, private messages and e-mail. This is a support net I didn't expect to find below me. You are all, each and every one of you, wonderful. Thank you.


Cara said...

Gosh, David, that's a message I want to write after every blog post...it constantly astounds and comforts me when I realise that my ramblings and musings aren't falling on deaf ears, (or I suppose blind eyes), that those who read seem to actually give enough of a damn to offer a warm word or a soothing sentiment...it's like that warmth one receives from a smile from a stranger...the kindness that exists in this world is all too oft overlooked and not nearly appreciated enough. Keep on writing, won't you.

Anonymous said...

My Dearest Captain,

Wily waves or smooth seas, no matter which alliterative phrase befalls you, you will always have starlight to steady your ship, and a proud crew of loved ones behind you.


Your Little Mermaid

David said...

Thank you both for your kind words. Proving my point, weren't you? I am very grateful.