Thursday, August 14, 2008

Are you easily fooled? Take a try at this one...

So, I'm playing Prof. Harold Hill in The Music Man (opens tomorrow, click here for more info). He is the classic swindler/con man type: smooth, slick, charming--and very selfish. He smiles and jokes and charms his way into everyone in town's pockets, until...well, either you know the story, or you don't. I'm not about to print spoilers of my own show here, for pity's sake.

Anyway, being an actor who loves people watching, I am naturally very interested in the subtleties of human nature and expression. I recently stumbled over something I found very challenging and educational. It is on the BBC page about human workings and psychological stuffs. Take the Genuine Smile Test to see if you can tell who is really smiling, and who is faking it. I got 16 out of 20, and learned a bunch of really interesting stuff at the end, to boot.

Now, off to practice my deception a little more in front of the mirror. ;o)


Anonymous said...

Will have to try this at your house...silly Mac doth not support this Flash site.

Anonymous said...

Dude! Exact same score!

It's in the eyes