As the title of this blog suggests, life is loud for me. I would like to have a cottage somewhere, sit and drink tea and write and all that, but that is not my lot in life, I find. Especially over the last two years (although 2005 was a VERY loud year as well).
I was chatting with a friend yesterday about the Holmes/Rahe stress test. These guys were at the forefront of the stress-leads-to-illness movement, way back in the 70's (well, Wiki says 1967, so I guess I was off by a little). Briefly, what these guys did was to put together a checklist of 'life events', both good and bad, that were stressors. Each life event on the list was given a point value. You check off the ones that you've experienced in the last 12 months, and then add up the points. Supposedly, a score of 300+ indicates 'at risk of illness'; 150 to 299 indicates 'risk of illness is moderate (reduced by 30%)', and 150 and below indicates 'only a slight risk of illness'.
Last fall, I took the test and (even though I knew of it long ago, and what it meant), I was surprised to find how high it was. After chatting with my friend yesterday, I decided to take it again to see how I am doing now. There are some schools of thought that say you should count more than once for multiple occurrences, but I only counted once.
My score? 768
Oof. Good thing I have those coping tools from all these years of dealing with manic depression, or I would probably be in the hospital by now. {:o)
9 years ago
dude your off the charts!
You need to come to Sac and chill for a couple days.
P.S. 239 for me.
The offer is enticing. Of course, the way I'm feeling right now is "dear God, how could I take a couple days off and go to Sac? I have SO MUCH TO DO!" Heh.
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