Monday, October 20, 2008

Still more Not-Politics...

In light of the pending elections, I looked up the word "suffrage" (which means 'to vote') and "suffer" (which means 'to sit in commuter traffic') and found the similarities quite frightening:

suffrage is NOT a culinary term

Go to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary and have some fun yourself. "Republican" vs. "Democrat"? "Liberal" vs. "Conservative"? "Regular" vs. "Decaf"? It's your choice.

1 comment:

Jonathan E Johns said...

I'd do, "Care" or "Don't Care" and "Did it" and "Didn't do it"

Guess which ones are me...

Honestly, I have no idea where that hostility came from. I am insanely jealous of you being there, and loving autumn, and me being here, on the edge of the abyss, with 4 million lemmings pushing me from the back...