Monday, October 13, 2008

If you think YOU have a case of the Mondays... grateful you aren't this viper in Taiwan. Apparently some firemen found a poisonous snake that they were keeping in a cage. They also found a mouse, which they thought would make a nice snack for the reptile. Round One:

Round One: mouse dodges snake

After nearly thirty minutes of fighting, the foot-long viper "proved unable to land a killer bite", however, and the mouse KILLED IT.

Round Two: mouse kicks snake'

Now THAT, ladies and gents, is (as the kids nowadays might say) some serious shit. I am not sure even how to tag this post. Click either image for the story in last Thursday's Telegraph.


Jonathan E Johns said...

So, What... Now it's self-service blog tagging? You don't know what to tag it with, so we have to come up with the clever titles?

David, you are soooo lazy. I am sooooo disappointed in you.

How about, "In Soviet Russia, Mice Eat Snakes!"

Erica said...

We don't need no stinkin' tags!

(BTW, cough, check, cough. I, cough, nominated you, cough.)

Anonymous said...

Wee! Go little mouse, go! :)