So, as you might surmise from yesterday's quote (not to mention a month's worth of only clip-of-the-week posts), I have been a mite bit busy lately. In addition to the aftermath of the election season, I have finalized the divorce, undergone a huge shift in work, switched through three holidays, and have been memorizing 25 pages of dialog for a one-man show.
The show, David Sedaris' SantaLand Diaries, opens tonight. (Click the link to go to NPR's page--SLD is on the list of available streaming audio.)
In addition to the work of an actor, I have also been working overtime on promotional stuff as well. (There are only two of us producing this baby.) I have been interviewed on the radio twice, helped set up a website ( and helped spread the word. The local paper had a huge spread on the show a couple weeks back--they had me featured on the front cover of the Arts section in Sunday's paper. We also shot a Vblog about the show that is rather cute--here 'tis, for your edification and possible enjoyment:
(original blog can be found here.)
A special thanks/shout to Cara, who has been undergoing the same dry spell as I have, apparently. I checked her blog recently and was inspired to get off my (writing) ass and post something for you, so you didn't think I had just fallen into a hole. If you are free this weekend or the next, you can click here for tickets.
9 years ago
1 comment:
Congratulations on all your hard work! Thank God for Cara!
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